Funeral Packages
The total price of all packaged arrangements give you, our customers, a significant discount from the itemized General Price List. Prices are subject to change without notice. All packages include the following services:
Services of Funeral Director and Staff
Other preparation of body
Use of facilities and equipment
Automotive equipment
Cemetery charges
Miscellaneous merchandise
For more detailed information regarding funeral packages and the itemized General Price List, please call or email the office.

Program Templates
We offer a wide assortment of funeral program templates for you to choose from. We have basic funeral program templates, designs with colorful backgrounds, and an extensive variety of designs, colors and styles to help you make the perfect keepsake.
Here are some funeral program samples. These programs have been made using various designs and layouts. Different design elements have been added to make each program unique, such as funeral program clipart, funeral program photo collages, font changes, color changes and many other funeral program design ideas.
Click any image for a larger view.